How to get Emotional Support Animal Letter in Florida (ESA Letter Florida)

What must you know and do to get an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letter in Florida?

Let me tell you…

There needs to be more clarity around getting an ESA letter and keeping your pet in your home.  

According to the Fair Housing ACT, you must complete an assessment with a licensed mental health provider in Florida. There are many licensed mental health professionals in Florida. Make sure the therapist is licensed in Florida.

The law does not specify the mode of counseling, be it face-to-face, by phone, email, text, or on a platform like Zoom. There’s no set duration for the therapy sessions. The threshold for an Emotional Support Animal is not very high. As a therapist, we only have a “patient report.” There is an assessment, and you communicate your needs and that your pet provides emotional support. No training is required for an Emotional Support Animal. There is also no “limit” to the number of animals. The only requirement concerning multiple pets is to specify which of your animals assists with each issue or symptom. There are no breed or size restrictions. The only stipulation is if the animal is visibly aggressive / or has a proven history of violent behavior. 

 Every housing agency, owner, HOA, and other person(s). There are a lot of issues surrounding arbitrary things that the renter/owner adds to the rules. I have dealt with things like:

  • Specify some arbitrary times you need to engage with the therapist.
  • There is nothing in the law. No one can dictate how long you need to engage with the therapist. 
  • If a patient came to my private office, they would leave with the same letter the same day,  
  • They state they will not accept a letter from a therapist you engaged with online.
  • Again, Telehealth / Tele therapy is entirely legal in Florida.

I hope this information has clarified the process of obtaining an ESA letter in Florida. If you’re a Florida resident and need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Florida Pet ESA at

Are you ready to get your ESA Letter?

Meet Our Mental Health Specialist

Jay Charboneau MS, LMHC, CAP

Licensed Mental Health Counselor – MH15843

Issue Date – 03/26/2018

Renewal Date – 03/31/2025

Phone Number: (727)344-9930

Email: [email protected]

emotional support animal letter headshot

About Jay

Hi, I am Jay Charboneau. I live, work, and practice in Saint Petersburg Florida. I am an educator and lifelong advocate of the rights of those suffering from mental health disorders. As a dog lover myself, I understand the emotionally soothing and healing benefits of having your pet with you. Don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions about your mental health or an emotional support animal.